Examines key aspects of international marketing from the perspective of SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises), as well as MNCs (multinational companies). This book is useful for students taking a modular or one semester course in international marketing. The author includes examples that describe the experiences of both SMEs and MNCs.
International Marketing: Consuming Globally, Thinking Locally has been written for students taking a modular or one semester course in international marketing. In this book, Andrew McAuley examines key aspects of international marketing from the perspective of SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises), as well as MNCs (multinational companies). He includes numerous examples throughout the text that describe the experiences of both SMEs and MNCs. Examples and case studies are provided that illustrate situations faced by marketers in the international marketplace e.g. market entry decisions, international expansion decisions, the use of strategic alliances, dealing with distributors, and issues raised in cross cultural negotiations.
* Examines the experiences and practices of SMEs throughout the text
* Provides an appreciation of the influence of culture on international marketing decisions
* Critical incidents are used throughout the book to illustrate various aspects of international marketing practice
* Includes a range of case studies drawn from different countries that discuss both business and consumer products
Supplementary materials for lecturers adopting International Marketing can be found on the web site.
Die Mehrzahl der Lehrbücher zum Thema Internationales Marketing stammt
aus den USA und konzentriert sich in der Regel auf multinationale Konzerne
(MNEs - multinational enterprises). Im Gegensatz dazu wurde "International
Marketing" speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Studenten zugeschnitten, die
einen einsemestrigen Kurs in internationalem Marketing belegen. Dieses
Lehrbuch vergleicht die Erfahrung und Praktiken von kleinen und mittelständischen
Unternehmen (SMEs - small and medium-sized enterprises) mit denen von multinationalen
Konzernen (MNEs). Darüber hinaus enthält es eine breite Palette von Beispielmaterial
und Fallstudien. Anhand von kritischen Zwischenfällen werden verschiedene
Aspekte der internationalen Marketingpraxis anschaulich erläutert. Die
begleitende Website enthält eine Lektüreliste sowie Adressen für weiterführende