In this collection of short stories, there are nine short stories that carry with them social concerns of different levels that we can discern from some titles such as: A Lonely Journey, A Marriage Project, The Return of the Expatriate, The Beautiful Woman, The Giant, and Uncle Funkhir's Ignorance, and Earth Day. The collection includes a story from the occupied territories: Palestine is: Blood in the Eyes of a Continent. However, the writer imbues all of these stories with his Islamic vision of events in the way he presents and treats them. He starts from the Islamic perception of life... and gives his Islamic characters in the stories a kind of privacy as he sees them. If it is impossible for every literary topic to be completely new and unprecedented, then the personality of the writer himself adds novelty to his topic through three conditions that the writer calls (the three sample conditions, which are: enjoyment, persuasion, and creativity). Obeikan Publishing