When watching a masterful sketcher, it seems that they create elaborate sketches with ease, tracing their pencils on the page and bringing to life rich and detailed drawings. After sweating away hours trying to create a simple sketch, you may find that yours pales in comparison, looking amateurish and unprofessional. Why is it that you can't do what these 'masters' can?
While many assume the difference comes down to accurate strokes and natural talent, you couldn't be further from the truth. Accuracy is not everything - confidence is. And, in this book, Hlavács helps you to build up your confidence, moving through each layer of drawing and helping you understand exactly why one drawing looks more professional than another. This book breaks down the fear around sketching, walking you through how to create intricate sketches without difficulty.
No other book teaches sketching in such a natural way, allowing anyone - no matter levels of talent or their past in drawing - to learn how to make this beautiful skill an intuitive process. Hlavács demonstrates sketching as a pathway of logical steps, starting with the most basic elements and then adding further layers to the sketches as the book progresses.
With a range of exercises to move through and pages filled with the psychology of why humans are drawn to certain sketches over others, this book will turn you into the master you've always admired. Instead of aiming for perfection, Hlavacs teaches you how to draw emotionally, using confidence in place of skill and understanding in place of talent.
No matter who you are, The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching will give you rules and demonstrations that will turn every sketch you create into a masterpiece.
Menschen, die nicht gut zeichnen können, denken normalerweise, dass professionelles Skizzieren ein komplexer und schwieriger Prozess ist. Mit diesem Buch werden Sie jedoch sehen, dass selbst die komplexesten Skizzen nur eine Struktur aus sehr einfachen, aber präzise gezeichneten Segmenten sind, die aufeinander aufbauen. Es zeigt, welche Merkmale eine Zeichnung professionell aussehen lassen und wie Sie diese in Ihren eigenen Skizzen umsetzen können.
Das Buch bietet Ihnen einen komprimierten Kurs, der Ihnen nicht jedes Details und alle Techniken des Skizzierens beibringt, sondern Ihnen auf sehr einfache Weise anschaulich macht, wie Sie Ihre eigene Skizze einfach schön aussehen lassen können. Erweiterte Ausgabe mit 8 zusätzlichen Seiten, 10.000 verkaufte Exemplare der Erstausgabe in 3 Auflagen