Studieren, Denken und Lernen jenseits der Disziplin: zentrale Begriffe innovativer Hochschuldidaktik - leicht verständlich erklärt.
What exactly is a real lab? How does service learning work? What are internships, citizen science and dual studies for? This handbook explains central concepts of the recent science-theoretical debate in terms of their impact on higher education teaching and educational perspectives. In this way, transdisciplinarity opens up as a comprehensive innovation process in response to the major global challenges of these days such as climate change, urbanisation or migration. A practical reference book for students, teachers and all those seeking to understand the profound changes in higher education in the context of transformative science. .
Besprochen in:Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 22.09.2021, Gerald Wagnerimpu!se, 115 (2022)