In modern organizations, traditional leadership concepts often fall short because they focus on the relationship between superiors and employees. The key differentiator for of these organizations, however, is the agility of the teams and the ability of their members to cooperate.
An important part of current leadership research, which deals with multidimensional followership, also goes in this direction. In addition to the theoretical background, the book offers a very concrete guide in logical steps and with many examples of how this leadership concept can be applied in practice. It is literally a "Work Book".
In modern organisations, traditional leadership concepts often fall short because they focus on the relationship between superiors and employees. The key advantage of these organisations, however, lies in the agility of the teams and the ability of their members to cooperate.
An important part of current leadership research, which deals with multidimensional followership, also goes in this direction. In addition to the theoretical principles, the book offers, above all, a very concrete guideline with logically structured steps and many examples as to how this concept of leadership can be applied in practice. It is, in the truest sense of the word, a workbook.
"Beyond Leadership" is aimed at executives of all levels and industries as well as professionals in organisational and human resources development and those responsible for organising leadership work in clubs and other militia organisations.
Introduction: Cooperation instead of hierarchy
The model of the Beyond Leadership Activation Circle: design and functionalities
The steps:
- Check-in: focus on the main topic
- Connect: getting to know each other at the highest level
- Align: aligning to a common identity
- Imagine: developing mutually viable solutions
- Commit: the step to ensure implementation quality
- Debriefing: the decisive step
- Check-out: the summary reflection
Sustainability of Beyond Leadership: Beyond Culture
Further applications"