From a retired mailman comes a heartfelt memory of what the USPS once was, and a commentary on what it has devolved into.
From a true service of the people, it has become a bureaucratic nightmare, changed from protecting citizens and policing neighborhoods, into a bullyiing organization intent on harrassment of their employees to fullifl the empty, service "empty" goals of their employer-
An employer bent only upon self- enrichment, with no goal left of serving the customer... NONE!
It is now all about the postal managers, dividing the spoils of what is left of the USPS- selling off the magnificent buildings that are left, and lining the bureaucrat's pockets with the legacy of the USPS, as they simultaneously destroy the SERVICE they signed on to protect!
Read what it USED to be, and perhaps we can restore the wonderful legacy that was The United States Postal Service!!