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People and Climate Change (Reyes Mason, Lisa (Hrsg.) / Rigg, Jonathan (Hrsg.))
People and Climate Change
Untertitel Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Social Justice
Autor Reyes Mason, Lisa (Hrsg.) / Rigg, Jonathan (Hrsg.)
Verlag Oxford Academic
Co-Verlag OUP USA (Imprint/Brand)
Sprache Englisch
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2019
Seiten 256 S.
Artikelnummer 29542241
ISBN 978-0-19-088645-5
CHF 79.00
Keine Besorgung möglich
Climate change is a profoundly social and political challenge that threatens the well-being, livelihood, and survival of people in communities worldwide. Too often, those who have contributed least to climate change are the most likely to suffer from its negative consequences and are often excluded from the policy discussions and decisions that affect their lives. People and Climate Change pays particular attention to the social dimensions of climate change. It closely examines people's lived experience, climate-related injustice and inequity, why some groups are more vulnerable than others, and what can be done about it-especially through greater community inclusion in policy change. The book offers a diverse range of rich, community-based examples from across the "Global North" and "Global South" (e.g., sacrificial flood zones in urban Argentina, forced relocation of United Houma tribal members in the United States, gendered water insecurities in Bangladesh and Australia) while posing social and political questions about climate change (e.g., what can be done about the unequal consequences of climate change by questioning and transforming social institutions and arrangements?). It serves as an essential resource for practitioners, policymakers, and undergraduate-/graduate-level educators of courses in environmental studies, social work, urban studies, planning, geography, sociology, and other disciplines that address matters of climate and environmental change.

Climate change is a profoundly social and political challenge. Through a globally diverse set of community-based examples, People and Climate Change questions why some groups are more vulnerable to the social and economic consequences of climate change than others, and what can be done about it through more participatory policymaking and interventions.

People and Climate Change illuminates causes of climate-related crises, helping to locate responsibility and identify appropriate response. It shows that climate change is generated and unfolds in a socially unequal world where those who suffer most contributed least. The reader will learn about the integral link between the causes of disaster and responsibility. ... The book is analytically rigorous and provides numerous indications for policy and practice in our changing world. It is essential reading in the Anthropocene.
Lisa Reyes Mason, PhD, MSW, is Assistant Professor in the College of Social Work at the University of Tennessee. Jonathan Rigg, PhD, is Chair of Human Geography in the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK.