In 2012, Unthank Books published David Madden's masterful suggested ending of Dicken's unfinished last novel. Since then readers all over the world have been discovering what might have happened to poor Edwin. Was his uncle Jasper responsible? Was the necktie or Rosa's ring the chief clue? Was mesmerism really involved?
To mark the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Dickens in 2012, Unthank Books are publishing Sir David Madden's masterful new completion of THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD, Dickens' last, and unfinished novel. In a work of incredible literary ventriloquism David Madden renders the greatest homage he can to the great author by creating an ending as faithful to Dickens' written intentions as possible. Closely following the clues clearly laid down by Dickens in his sadly incomplete version, David Madden seamlessly continues the story with a stunningly similar repertoire of comedy, psychological acuity, inimitable description and turn of phrase. Published in one volume with Madden succeeding the 'master,' this is at last a completion of the mystery which proves it to be as much a 'whydunnit' as a 'whodunnit' and affords real pleasure, finally and fully from start to finish.
It is literally as if Dickens has risen from his grave to finish the job.