In horticulture, agriculture, and food science, plants' reproductive physiology is an important topic relating to fruits and vegetables, the main consumable parts of plants. This volume presents many studies on plants' reproductive systems, including research on sperm cells in plant reproduction, plant genes, hormones, and DNA.
In horticulture, agriculture, and food science, plants' reproductive physiology is an important topic relating to fruits and vegetables, the main consumable parts of plants. All aspects of plant physiology, including plants' reproductive systems, are important to the production of food, fibers, medicine, cosmetics, and even fuels. This volume presents many new studies on plants' reproductive systems, including new research on sperm cells in plant reproduction; the effect of herbivory on plant reproduction; disturbances to functional diversity; plant genes, hormones, DNA; and much more.
"Reflects the most recent research progresses in plant reproductive physiology. It serves as a timely 'must-have' collection of papers for anyone interested in angiosperm reproductive biology."-Shucun Sun, Center for Ecological Studies, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Chengdu, China, in The Quarterly Review of Biology